November 01, 2022

On Tuesday, 1 November 2022 at 13:38:13 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:


If you (or anyone else) would like to propose improvements to D's process, you can email Mike Parker and request an opportunity to discuss them at one of the D foundation's monthly meetings.

It will have to be someone else (my spare time is currently exhausted).

It is really a matter of putting work into crafting a well thought out document that covers everything Walter would like to see happening. As long as one person has de facto veto power that is how it has to be, and it takes more work than a few hours.

Walter has stated quite clearly that he cares more about existing users than the users that D isn't capturing. People who use the language regularly have much less incentive to see changes as they already feel D is the best option. It is quite challenging to come up with a solution that would be market-oriented and also don't cause any friction with existing users.

I don't even know if Walter would have any interest in such a process.


You may also wish to join forces with Mathias Lang, the author of the governance proposal discussed by the D foundation last year. [1]

I am not really sure if D is ready for a process like Python.

November 01, 2022

On Tuesday, 1 November 2022 at 14:48:37 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:


On Tuesday, 1 November 2022 at 13:54:03 UTC, M.M. wrote:


On Tuesday, 1 November 2022 at 13:38:13 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:



There has been a lot of changes about all the management behind dlang development (e.g., the high-level vision document(s); the monthly board meetings; the reporting of those; making the hardware infrastructure more robust and less dependent on individuals; etc). I would call this a positive change, and certainly aligned with the many calls for better management, and would think the movement is right.

I think so too. Things are on the right track. We just need more time.

More time for what? We've had a good language for years.

November 01, 2022

On Saturday, 29 October 2022 at 15:45:11 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:


On Saturday, 29 October 2022 at 14:43:54 UTC, bachmeier wrote:


If you're changing the compiler to add a different GC strategy, you can add managed pointers.

I think you need more than this to do it well, in terms of system level programming.

You need to minimize thread-to-thread interference. You need to strengthen the type system and make better use of shared. Turning D into a AoT Java/C# just begs the question "Why am I not using Java or C#?"

I was replying to someone claiming they couldn't write a new GC because they need managed pointers. I'm not going to take a position on whether that is sufficient, but if they have a fork, they can add them to the language and show the benefits.

November 01, 2022

On Tuesday, 1 November 2022 at 16:52:34 UTC, bachmeier wrote:


On Saturday, 29 October 2022 at 15:45:11 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:


On Saturday, 29 October 2022 at 14:43:54 UTC, bachmeier wrote:


If you're changing the compiler to add a different GC strategy, you can add managed pointers.

I think you need more than this to do it well, in terms of system level programming.

You need to minimize thread-to-thread interference. You need to strengthen the type system and make better use of shared. Turning D into a AoT Java/C# just begs the question "Why am I not using Java or C#?"

I was replying to someone claiming they couldn't write a new GC because they need managed pointers. I'm not going to take a position on whether that is sufficient, but if they have a fork, they can add them to the language and show the benefits.

Having gotten thoroughly sick of the general tone of too much of this forum, I've taken a many-day break from it.

But I looked in today and saw this thread. It confirmed my reason for taking the break, in spades.

I greatly admire what Theo de Raadt has achieved with OpenBSD, due to his own extraordinary technical talent and his ability to attract smart people who believe in his goals and approach. I do not admire de Raadt's nasty, condescending way of dealing with (mostly) innocent victims who post to But I do agree completely with de Raadt's Law for dealing with people who say "OpenBSD should really do X", which is "Send us a diff", usually followed by some variant of "or get lost".

I think a number of people complaining about aspects of D, real and imagined, should be made familiar with de Raadt's Law. They also should be reminded that this is an open source project, available to all of us free of charge. You can't behave like an aggrieved paying customer in this circumstance. The project was started by Walter and he continues to be the leader and major contributor. D would not exist without him. We are his beneficiaries. Those who have complaints, and especially those who state them rudely but don't contribute code because they don't "have the spare time" or just want someone else to do the work they won't, should not be taken seriously. Unless, of course, they've come up with a bolt-from-the-blue insight, which seems to be an exceedingly rare occurrence. What this amounts to is that I think Walter is too nice a guy; a little de Raadt (very little!) would be a big help.

Another issue is marketing. Talent for that is rare in great engineers. Wozniak was the technical smarts behind Apple as a startup, but Jobs had the marketing flare. A historically great combination. Andrew Kelley seems to be one of those rare people with both engineering and marketing talent, though it remains to be seen (when V1.0 finally happens) whether he's really a great engineering talent. Linus Torvalds is another, who gets attention by being outrageous. Richard Stallman is still another. Eccentric as he is, he has a powerful mind and makes a strong, clear argument for sharing and community. And even de Raadt knows how to reign in his nastiness in public and just lets us see how charming and brilliant he can be.

Walter admits he's not a good marketer. Perhaps he's right, though I've seen a number of his talks and thought they were quite good and entertaining. Walter is a classic great engineer; I've known a number of them over the years in places like MIT and BBN. Look up Frank Heart, Ray Tomlinson, Bob Kahn, Gerald J. Sussman and Tom Knight. None of them care or cared about marketing. Some would have been good at it if they had, some not.

There are a number of reasons why programming languages become hugely popular or not, but having an attention-getting advocate is clearly a huge plus. Walter's talents lie in engineering good compilers and in evolutionary language design. He's not Steve Jobs, or even Andrew Kelley. But he has produced a really fine piece of work, a clear improvement over C, with which I have a lot of experience (ever tried to write code on an overloaded Vax 780 running 4.3 BSD?), and I suspect, over C++, with which I have only a little experience, as well. Is it perfect? Of course not. Show me the perfect programming language. Whether it meets your expectations or not is your call. But I really think that this constant bitching about D, from people who are not putting their time where their mouth is, is beyond the pale.

And for the record, the D GC has simply not been a problem in my work with the language. And I would point out that the language makes it easy to avoid dynamic allocations where they would be undesirable (by using stack-allocated buffers, as occurs repeatedly in the C library, e.g., strncpy).

November 01, 2022

Hijacking this thread since there seems to be lot of energy available here

It would be cool if someone could take care of that issue:

It's pretty concerning that this more than 1 year old bug still exist, quite dangerous bug

November 01, 2022

On Tuesday, 1 November 2022 at 12:49:01 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:


On Tuesday, 1 November 2022 at 12:08:46 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:


I'm 2.2669% sure that would make D trend

That's the bare minimum for an alternative system level language in 2022+.

Here is the problem D was designed originaly to be an application language (general purpose) as C++.
To be fast as C++ without its difficulty.

That is why D own a GC from the beginning ...

I do not understand why they are so many user that want to transform Dlang to transform it while they are C, Go, Rust, Swift ...

I follow D since is v1 where the community was divided between two main library Phobos and tango.

Now, to me D have to normalize/standardize its syntax.

  1. Choose its defaults as, mutable or immutable | @gc or @nogc | async, await vs fiber etc...
  2. Release a v3
  3. Follow the spirit of general propose language by adding more features into the standard library
  • Java do the cofee
  • Python is battery included
    And so on ...
  1. Promote some killer libraries (Gsoc is a good way to see those libraries as it is cuurently done). But they need to survive to this events, be maintained or added to the the std library.
    What is the state of d dataframe? Mir ? D ai ? D web framework back and front included through wasm ?

To me, the community have to create those libraries instead to complain in order to transform an application language to a system language.

November 01, 2022
On Tue, Nov 01, 2022 at 09:31:09PM +0000, ryuukk_ via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> Hijacking this thread since there seems to be lot of energy available here
> It would be cool if someone could take care of that issue:
> It's pretty concerning that this more than 1 year old bug still exist, quite dangerous bug

Are you referring to this issue?

I just tested it, dmd shows the bug, but ldc2 generates correct code. Looks like a DMD backend bug.  I'm looking at the dmd generated asm right now to see what's going on... looks like it has something to do with passing floats via the xmm* registers that somehow got mixed up between caller/callee.

Once I have a clearer idea I'll update the bug.  DMD backend is beyond my depth, though. Black magic happens there and I don't have the time/patience to figure it all out.


Music critic: "That's an imitation fugue!"
November 01, 2022

On Tuesday, 1 November 2022 at 21:48:35 UTC, Bioinfornatics wrote:


Here is the problem D was designed originaly to be an application language (general purpose) as C++.

C++ is system level, maybe most use D as an application level language, but Walter has been clear on D being system level. This thread seems to be about what it would take to make D trend (I presume in system level projects).

There is nothing wrong with catering to those that are happy D users today, but that wont make it trend in system level contexts.

November 01, 2022

On Tuesday, 1 November 2022 at 21:31:09 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:


Hijacking this thread since there seems to be lot of energy available here

It would be cool if someone could take care of that issue:

It's pretty concerning that this more than 1 year old bug still exist, quite dangerous bug

How is that dangerous though?

November 01, 2022

On Tuesday, 1 November 2022 at 21:48:35 UTC, Bioinfornatics wrote:


On Tuesday, 1 November 2022 at 12:49:01 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:



Here is the problem D was designed originaly to be an application language (general purpose) as C++.
To be fast as C++ without its difficulty.


I agree with most of this