The mechanics of Objective-C ARC are the same as anything else. The only difference is the addition of autorelease: you need to insert an extra opAutorelease call when returning an autoreleased object, and an extra opInc call when receiving one in the caller. For autoreleased object references passed to a function by a pointer or by 'ref', add an opAutorelease before the call, and an opInc after. That's it. Then let the optimizer do elision as usual: opAutorelease counts as an opDec with the only difference being that it cannot be elided.

Not even close. ARC is absurdly complex (we even had someone that worked on it show up in the forum and basically tell us it was a bad idea to copy ARC). See for yourself :

There are a lot of historical reasons why ARC is that way. One things is sure we don't want to copy this as a model.